Friday, April 7, 2017

Will the Police Recruit Youth Hackers Haikal 4,600 Site?

Kabagpenum Humas Polri Kombes Pol Martinus Sitompul menyampaikan keterangan di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat (24/3). Keterangan terkait perkembangan kasus penangkapan terduga teroris di Ciwandan, Cilegon, Banten.
Jakarta main culprit hacker sites, SH alias Haikal, who had also been hacked sites Koprs Bhayangkara, now undergoing legal proceedings on criminal acts. However, seeing how far the 19-year man, who until now has paved 4,600 sites, making the Police consider their recruitment efforts on that ability.

"If there are efforts to embrace the hackers were there, of course done by the police," said police spokesman Sr. Kabagpenum Martinus Sitompul in the Office of the Police Public Relations Division, Trunojoyo Street, South Jakarta, Friday (04/07/2017).

Only, to the Temple itself, certainly the police are not going to hurry. It is more preferred are the settlement of the case in question first.
"Especially this case, because he has violated the law, crime, of course we have to depankan. He should be punished first to account for his actions," he said.
"Only after that we, the police can make communication, say to recruit as an expert in helping enforcement hukum.Tapi after he was sentenced. Hacker-hackers everywhere," said Martinus.
At present, the police handed over the coaching Haikal to the penitentiary where he serves his sentence. Obviously, Haikal is in need of guidance so it can be more useful abilities for the good of the people.
"For us it is certainly important to embrace them in an effort to prevent damage and loss. Of course we are prioritizing the legal process. We leave how coaching in prison," said Martinus.

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